Monday, November 26, 2007

Conquering Adwords.

Conquering adwords was no easy task for me (is it for anyone), but after 2 years with one year which went absolutely terrible, I think I have finally done what I didn't think I could do - beat adwords.

When I started out I thought I could just put my link in, put thousands of keywords in an adgroup and call that a campaign. Well I would get sales but the $30 I would earn would have usually costed about $30 to get. But I was happy though until those sales dried up and I was just feeding Google dollar bills. This was around the time when the Google Cash method was popular.

Of course we know Google didn't like that and started slapping people. Ouch - thats when I quit.

Until this year when I joined the best membership site I would call home. Thats when I finally shook off the fear and went back into those waters...and it happened.

I was finally putting up relevant campaigns that were researched, with relevant landing pages, tight adgroups that matched my ads with a catchy headline and click pulling call to actions. I tracked landing page to merchant clickthru, assessed my click to sale ratio - tweaked and benefited from some nice roi.

I felt comfortable with Google again - I had conquered adwords.

I'm now here to help you do the same...

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